Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Fairy Kei/Spank ♥

Hello Boys and Girls!!!
We are dealing with today: Fairy kei / Spank.
do I take myself as a template:
 I once had a full body shot but now okay XD
I'll show you other first fairys:

 what you see?
soooo sweet colors!!!!!!
and as you see, it is also in dark
  let's all be fairies!


Montag, 27. Dezember 2010


Decora is probably the most popular style from Ohsare kei.
Above all in Germany, it has a high popularity.
which is the hallmark of a decora?
what would you say if you look at it?
YES!,hairclips! Hair bands! Chains and many bracelets
and most are on pink.
Decora may wear anything that has to do with decorations!
But please vote for the color! bright green with yellow!
and wants to look beautiful is yes ;D  
and for all the colors displayed on colorful, there is the dark decora
  what is your Dark, Dark, or decora Koteosa called
 based on the colors black and white, but you can see red and black.

Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010

Hello people and friends Now it is the first post and I'll start I still waiting on the Officials symbol for the blog, but soon will be something done ♥
I'm sooo Happy :DDD
Maybe I should tell about me? Will you ever know? XD
Okay, I imagine just before time.
My Name ist Kohana, and I'm 18 Years old.
I am aware of the Japanese fashion ever since I 12, but parents as time knows you can not in the old lot. >_>
I have learned to love, and try out since much of Harajuku, the first thing I had an urge to visual kei, (like almost everyone at the beginning xP) went further to Oshare kei (decora) and it stayed with a mixture (yes, mixture) from Fairy Turkey (spank) and Gyaru Hime ... .. and so
After I finally was allowed in 2009 for a concert ... And although AnCafe! * _ * it's finally all become like today, I am the person I wanted to I'm 'different' and I LOVE the fashion!
Officials My Blog: